Testing your email settings will allow you to confirm if your emails are being delivered. It is important to test your email settings to ensure you have properly completed any email configurations. If you question if your email was delivered you may use this feature to test if all emails are going out. Learn today how to test your email configurations. Please follow the steps below. 

To log in to ScoreCEO go to :

https://beta.scoreceo.com/[CRO Domain Alias] (Your domain alias is the one you used to first create your account)If you do not remember go to https://beta.scoreceo.com/ and enter your email it will redirect you to your portal.)

Enter your Email address and Password this select "Login"

Click the configuration button at the top right corner and select Configuration. Then select "Email Configuration"

Click "Test Email Setting" This will be located in the top right corner.

A pop-up will appear, fill in your Name, an email address you have access to, and the message you would like to send. It would be something like this: Recipient Name (Jane Doe) Recipient Email (jane.doe@gmail.com)

Message (testing email), Then click "Send Email". 

Once you have clicked Send Email a message will appear on the top of your screen stating if the sending of the email was successful. 

If your email was unsuccessfully sent, you will need to verify your email configurations this means the email was not delivered due to incorrect email configuration information. Please visit our other tutorial to see how to set up your email configurations. 

Email configuration available 

