Applying tags to customer lists in ScoreCEO is an efficient way to organize and manage your database, allowing for more targeted communications and streamlined operations. Whether you're looking to segment customers by behavior, status, or demographic, tags can help you customize your outreach efforts. This guide will walk you through the process of tagging a list of customers in ScoreCEO, highlighting each necessary step with detailed instructions. 

Watch the video tutorial below for a quick overview: 


Tags are a powerful tool in any CRM system. In ScoreCEO, tags allow you to categorize your customers into different segments based on criteria you define. This can enhance your marketing efforts, improve customer service, and increase the effectiveness of your credit repair campaigns. 

Why Tagging is Important 

Before we dive into the steps, let's discuss why tagging is crucial. Tagging your leads and customers allows you to categorize and segment your audience effectively. This can help in targeted marketing campaigns, personalized communication, and overall better management of your customer data. For instance, you can create tags based on customer behavior, interests, purchase history, or any other criteria that are relevant to your business. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Tagging Customers in ScoreCEO 

Step 1: Log in to Your ScoreCEO Account 

  • Access the Site: Open your browser and go to 

  • Secure Login: Enter your user credentials to access your dashboard, which is your central hub for all client and lead management activities. 


Step 2: Navigate to the Leads/Consumers Section 

  • Dashboard Utilization: Once logged in, look for the 'Leads/Consumers' section on your dashboard. This area is dedicated to managing all aspects of your interactions with leads and clients. 


Step 3: Select the List/Tags Option 

  • Locate the Option: Within the Leads/Consumers section, find and click on a green box labeled 'Add List/Tags'. This is where you can manage how your contacts are grouped and identified. 


Step 4: Choose Customers to Tag 

  • Selection Process: A list of your customers will appear, complete with checkboxes next to each name. Select the customers you wish to tag by checking the boxes beside their names. 


Step 5: Apply Tags to Selected Customers 

  • Add Tags: After selecting the customers, click on the 'Add Tag' button, found in a white tab near the top of the page. 

  • Manage Tags: 

  • Create a New Tag: If you need to create a new tag, click 'Create New' in the pop-up window. Enter the tag name and any relevant details. This option is useful for categorizing customers in a way that’s not previously specified in your system. 

  • Use Existing Tags: If adding existing tags, you can choose to add multiple tags or a single tag to the selected customers. Select the desired tags from those available in the pop-up window. 


Step 6: Save Your Changes 

  • Confirm Selections: Once you have assigned the tags, either new or existing, to your selected customers, click 'Save' in the pop-up window to apply these changes. 


  • Finalization: This action will update your customers’ records with the new tags, effectively segmenting them according to your specified criteria. 


Tagging customers in ScoreCEO helps create a more organized and efficient database, enabling personalized communication and better service delivery. By following these steps, you can ensure that your customer lists are accurately categorized, making it easier to initiate targeted actions based on specific tags. This process not only streamlines your workflow but also enhances the overall effectiveness of your credit repair business operations.