As you manage your creditors on ScoreCEO, it's important to have the flexibility to remove outdated or irrelevant information. Deleting a creditor from your account streamlines your credit management process and ensures accurate data. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to delete a creditor on, allowing you to maintain an up-to-date and efficient creditor database.

Step 1: Login to Visit the website and log in to your account using your credentials. Logging in will provide you with access to the necessary configuration settings to delete a creditor.

Step 2: Access the Configuration Bubble: After logging in successfully, locate the configuration bubble found in the top-right corner of the ScoreCEO interface. Click on it to reveal a drop-down menu with several options.

Step 3: Select Creditors: From the options available in the configuration drop-down menu, choose "Creditors." This selection will take you to the creditor management section.

Step 4: Locate the Creditor: In the creditor management section, you will find either a search bar or a list of creditors displayed on the page. In the search bar, enter the name or relevant details of the creditor you wish to delete and click the search button. Alternatively, if the creditors are listed, scroll through the page to find the specific creditor you want to remove.

Step 5: Delete the Creditor: Once you have located the creditor, look for a red "X" symbol at the end of the creditor information. Click on the red "X" to initiate the deletion process.

Step 6: Notification of Deletion: Once the creditor is successfully deleted, system will notify you of the removal. This confirmation ensures that you are aware of the deletion.

Deleting a creditor from your account is a simple and efficient process that empowers you to maintain an accurate and streamlined creditor database. By following the steps ensure that your creditor database remains up-to-date, organized, and optimized for effective credit management.