ScoreCEO allows you to add qualifying criteria. Qualifying Criteria are used to allow you to document each requirement that your customer will need to qualify for your services. Qualifying criteria could be required qualifications and or non-required qualifications. Learn today how to create qualifying criteria in ScoreCEO.
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To access your Company Profile, please log in to ScoreCEO, Or Click here
On the top right corner click on the configuration bubble and select Configuration.
Under "MetaConf", click on "Other Conf." then select "Qualify Criteria"
Next to "Title", enter in the name of the qualifying criteria, and on "Is Required" Select if this should be a required. Here is an Example Is Required- Needs Proof of Address Is Required-check if yes, Do not check if Not required, then click Save
Once you have saved this information you have successfully added a qualifying criteria to ScoreCEO.