Setting up your Credit Repair Business software, Company Profile will ensure your Credit Repair company information is up to date. Learn what information is important and what it is used for. Let's get started. 

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To access your Company Profile, please log in to ScoreCEO, Or Click here

Once you are logged in There are two ways to access the Company Profile

  1. Quick Configuration Wizard, if you still have pending configuration when you first log in it will take you to the Quick Wizard and it will be the first step of "Setup Company Profile"
  2. If you have set up all your configurations, it will not direct you to Quick Configuration Wizard, it will take you to the Dashboard and from here you will click the configuration button at the top right corner and select Configuration. Then select "Company Portal Profile"           

    Company Basic Profile will be the main location to fill in your company's information Let's go thru all the information in this area and what it is.

           *Before you can enter any information please click the "Edit button at the top right corner"*

Below is the description of each step. Please keep in mind anyone with a "*" is a required field that will need to be completed to save. 

Company Name: Enter your company name

Logo: Upload your logo Only JPG, PNG,GIF, are the only documents allowed with a size 1MB allowed

Address Line 1: Enter your address

Address Line 2: Enter suite, and apartment number if any

City: Enter the zip code first and it will populate the city for you if there are multiple city click the drop-down to select the correct city 

State: Enter the zip code first and it will populate the state

Zip: Enter zip code and it will populate the city and state for you 

Country: Is default to United State, the other option is Canada

Phone Number: Enter your phone number

Fax: Enter your fax if you have one 

Receive Issue Email: This will allow you to receive any email communication regarding any issue created on a customer file

Minimum Round Interval: will define the minimum amount of days in between rounds

Website: Enter your website

Active: The status of your membership

Maximum Round Interval: will define the maximum amount of days in between rounds

Outsourcing Required: If you are interested in our outsourcing service select the check box

Outsourcing Enabled: Once you have signed up for the outsourcing program your outsourcing service will be enabled. 

Email Invoice Enabled: Enable if you want invoices sent to your consumers 

Enable Monthly Renewal: Enable if you want invoices to go out on a set date vs every 30 days. 


Once you have filled out the fields you need, scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen and click "Save"