If your user has not activated their portal. You will be able to resend them a "Reactivation email"
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The first step is to identify if the user has not activated their customer portal.
To verify:
First, log in to ScoreCEO (use beta.scoreceo.com if you do not know your domain if you do access your portal with your domain)
Once you are logged in, Click on the User Management Icon on the left side of your screen.
Once you are in the user management, you will find all the users including your user in this area. To identify who has not yet activated their portal, take a look at the Margin of each user. There will be two color options Blue and Red. Anyone in Red means they have not yet activated their portal, Blue means they have activated their portal
After Identifying who has not activated their portal. Find the green arrow. This green arrow is what will be used to resend the activation email. Please remember this email does expire after 48 hours. If the user does not activate it in that time period. Please follow these steps again.