Using credit monitoring in the credit repair process is not necessary for you or a consumer to do credit repair, it is a tool that helps the consumer streamline their interaction with you and improve the reporting of changes to the consumer and you even when the credit reporting agencies do not respond. We call this Pro-active credit repair, your clients do not need to send you responses, they do not need to send you scan anything every month 1-3 times, they will see all changes every 30 days, and the processing staff will see all changes on the report whether the CRA's sent the responses or not, even when they send frivolous responses you will see results. This is the reason why we encourage the acceptance of credit monitoring its just better for everyone. Not to mention that you can import the report into ScoreCEO and the system will let you see everything positive and negative with the report and let you know what each Credit reporting agency utilization ratio is. This will save at least 13-30 min with every lead you do an audit with. This cost savings is enormous. Oh and we will charge you $5 extra if you upload responses from the CRA's because we basically have to enter the report 3 times if you are outsourcing with us, and if you are going to do your own processing it will cost you 2-3 times as much to process.
As to how competitive you will be ? all successful Credit Repair companies use Pro-active credit repair they will have no advantage over you.
Plus if a consumer cannot pay for credit monitoring that is a great indicator that they cannot pay your monthly invoice as well.
I do not know of any credit repair company that has been in the industry for more than 3 years that is compiant, successfull, and growing that is not using pro-active credit repair and credit monitoring.